Friday, August 27, 2010

Powerpoint & Prezi

Powerpoints can make or break a presentation. We have all sat and watched a presentation where we wished we were never born and others that have been engaging. What is the difference. Here is a video that gives points on what not to do for a powerpoint presentation.

Life after Death by Powerpoint

Please also have a look at Powerpoint in the Classroom.

There is an alternative to using powerpoint. If you are looking for something that is both engaging and easy to create then try using Prezi. Prezis are created on one, you could say, 'piece of canvas'. I have posted a prezi in an eariler posting that looks at The Big Six Framework. Here is a short tutorial on how to create your own Prezi. It is also a good example of the process students can use to plan Prezis. Showing this tutorial to students would be benifical. I do realise that there are variations in editions but the tutorial gives you a general idea of the concept.

Prezi Editing

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