Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Big Six Activities

You must have a look at the Big Six website. It goes through the framework step by step and gives a number of examples of ways teachers can incorporate the Big Six into the classroom.

Here are a few activities that can be implemented to incorporate the Big Six Framework.

1. Tak Description
- Create a flow chart that identifies the process that needs to take place in order to deal with the problem of global warming.
- Outline steps of the task and identify whether any information need to be collected.
- Compare the steps taken to do homework with the Big Six Skills Framework.

2. Information seeking Strategies
- Brainstorm what sources should be used to find out about Bees.
- Decide whether to use wikipedia or a book from the library as a reference.
- List where to find information about dolphins. (where in the library, internet, magazines.)

3. Location and Access
- Draw and label a map of the library.
- Write down pages of a book that are relevant to the topic.
- Borrow out books from the library about levers and pulls.
- Lokk up a news article about poitics on a news website.

4. Use of Information
- Engage in different types of sources.
- Watch a youtube clip about the effects of global warming and take notes.
- Take notes on magazine articles.
5. Synthesis
- Students make an outline of their report.
- Create an engaging Prezi to present findings.
- Organsing information from multiple sources. e.g. Sort sources into categorise (global warming effect on farms, solutions, games, etc.).
6. Evaluation
- Look over the criteria.
- Why did I get that grade?
- What would I do differently next time?

Also check the Nuts and Bolt of the Big Six.

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