Friday, August 27, 2010

Reflective Synopsis

Before beginning this course I was nervous about what was to come. I wondered whether I would be able to understand and process all the tech. Talk. As I attended class each week my worries began to ease. The lecturer hadn’t thrown us into the deep end instead it was a gradual learning experience that I was able to enjoy. As I began to engage in the different tools I started to get excited about the endless possibilities the tools bring with them to the classroom. I started to share my excitement with friends and family by showing them my blog as it developed, my first website I created and my voki. No one knew what a voki was so I was able to explain to them what it did. This started a conversation about how it can be a great tool for students that have learning difficulties. I have noticed that these new tools I am learning about are creeping into my everyday conversations.

I have come to realise how important it is that we as teachers understand know how to use these new tools. These tools are becoming an increasingly large part of this generation’s lives. A professor quoted by M. Prensky part in interestingly by saying that students’ “short attention spans are [only] for the old ways of learning” (Prensky, p. 64). Therefore it is our duty to take up the responsibility to present learning in a way that students can relate to and be engaged. It is about using the digital tools to support the learning that is taking place. This in turn will provide students with a greater opportunity to learn.

I know it is hard to keep up with ‘the rapidly changing knowledge economy of the 21st century’ (Fleming, 2001, p. 56), but we are in an ever changing society and if you can’t survive here, go survive somewhere else. We need to be teachers who have the attitude of lifelong learners. Learning does not stop when we finish school or university, we continue to learn but in different ways. We can learn in formal, non-formal or informal contexts. We need to become independent learners who are ‘able to continue learning in ranging contexts with or without instruction’ (Fleming, 2001, p. 57). This attitude we take on should then be modelled to students so they will become lifelong learners.

I found that by commenting on other peoples’ blogs I began to think more deeply about the topic. For me it brought more thoughts to the surface that I could share. I found that it was a very encouraging learning environment (appendix 1 and 4). It was also a great way for me to learn from others and get ideas and tools from them that I could apply in my own blog (appendix 3 and 5). There was one point when I was having trouble putting my Prezi onto my blog. I saw that Hannah had a Prezi on her blog so I asked her on her blog how she did it (appendix 2). This has been a big learning curve for me so to have the support of other bloggers around helped ease the learning process. Commenting helps to process thoughts, gives food for thought for other viewers.

There are a number of tools that this blog has covered ranging from Websites to Prezis from images to Wikis. They are all great tools that should be considered when planning learning experiences. These tools are not here to be the ‘platforms for teaching but the tools to enhance the learning process' (Reflective Synopsis of Technologies Investigated, 2010). So now I will go into more detail on four particular tools that help support and encourage student learning of students and my professional learning. These four tool are:
- Websites
- Concept maps
- Blogs

Have you ever heard these statistics before:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
70% of what we say
90% of what we say and do

When first reading these statistics you probably thought they could relate to your own learning and generally they would. Did you every stop to consider the ‘unlikelihood that learners would remember 90% of anything, regardless of the learning approach’ (Fadel & Lemke, 2008, p. 3). The tools you use to engage students is important because if done properly you may see an increase in the capacity for your learners to retain information. These four tools are only a few that can help support and encourage learning.

Websites are a place where you can access and gain new and interesting information. They can inform us of events and news. In education websites are seen to be references for assignments containing information, statistics and research. What would happen if we flipped the rolls and the students, instead of being the viewers and readers, become the creators of their own websites? Take a look at my ‘Website’ post for a few ideas on how websites could be incorporated into students’ learning and to support their learning journey.

All learners have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to how they best learn. Howards Gardner noticed that learners have variety of abilities for different areas and they are called the Multiple Intelligences or the ‘Smarts’ (Fasso, 2010). They are as follows:

(Cheek, 2006)

As teachers we need to know our learners and know what areas they thrive in. Only then will we be able to create a learning environment where students feel they can achieve and be challenged in different areas. The Multiple Intelligence theory can be apply when using websites to support learning tasks. When creating a website students are using the following intelligences:
- Kinaesthetic – students using their hands to apply their knowledge by creating a website.
- Linguistic –use there writing skills.
- Logical – depending on the topic.
- Interpersonal – when collaborating to create a website.
- Intrapersonal – creating a website independently.
- Musical- can add music to the site.
- Visual – can add images and videos to the site.
- Naturalistic – depending on the topic.

Concept Maps
Concept Mapping can go two ways. Either it can confuse you and get you stressed or it can be a tool that helps you process your thinking and gives your brain the license to be creative and use your imagination flow. A concept map ‘is a valuable tool for information organisation, chunking and linking for transfer to long-term memory’ (Fasso, 2010). They give the user the opportunity to see the bigger picture of the task and from there they can plan their journey.

When we learn new knowledge our brains work to link or compare that knowledge with existing knowledge. ‘As a result, learning is quicker, more effective and is understood to a deeper level’ (Fasso, 2010). If there are students in your class that have trouble retaining information over a long period of time then maybe try using a concept map to help them link knowledge. This will help them transfer the knowledge into their long-term memory and develop the use of their higher order thinking.

When creating my concept map on it helped me process and think through the weeks materials in a simpler form. When I had finished I was able to see how each topic linked.

There are endless possibilities to how blogging can support and scaffold students’ learning. A tool like this can transform information to develop new understandings (Fasso, Weekly Blog Reflections - Instructions, 2010). Dominic Ouellet-Tremblay, a fifth-grade student describes blogs as ‘giving us a chance to communicate . . . and motivate us to write more. When we publish on our blog, people from the entire world can respond by using the comments link’ (Downes, 2004). As teachers we want to see our students motivated to learn and enjoy the learning process. Richardson comments saying that blogging and other technologies seem ‘to be closer to the way we learn outside of school, and I don’t see those things happening anywhere in traditional education’ (Downes, 2004). It’s true, why don’t we use this technology to our advantage.

There are many benefits to using blogs in the classroom. For instance it can encourage higher order thinking. By incorporating de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats into the students writing they will develop the way they think and process information when writing. Therefore students produce posts that have more depth. Students can also use the six thinking hats and their blog to post reflective journal entries of their learning throughout the term. If you have a look at my Blog post it will give further detail on how blogs support students’ learning.

Videos is one of many great ways for learners to present their new found knowledge to an audience. Digital video is a communication tool, observation and analysis tool and a reflective tool (Schuck & Kearney, 2003-2004, pp. 8, 9). If teachers implement the tool correctly into the classroom the students will be able to develop these skills which then can flow into other areas of their learning. Digital video can be a great alternative for assignments for students that have trouble writing or talking in front of the class. The can still present the same information it is just in a different format.

Providing students with authentic learning experiences is important if you as a teacher want an engaged class. Studies have shown that digital video provides students with authentic learning opportunities where their skills are ‘used in real-world context, to develop life skills and to be produced for a real audience’ (Schuck & Kearney, 2003-2004, p. 9). Therefore this motivates students because they see a purpose in what they are creating.

Here is a list of outcomes digital video can provide for any learner:
- ‘Develop Understanding
- Motivating students
- Increasing student autonomy
- Promoting active learning in the classroom
- Providing opportunities for group learning and language development
-Developing technological and digital literacies
- Fitting with their own preferred roles and approaches to teaching
- Extending their personal interests in movie making.
- Developing of spoken and written literacies
- Improvements in presentation skills
- understandings of the subject content or topic
- Increase of meta-cognitive skills’.
(Schuck & Kearney, 2003-2004, pp. 7, 9)

See my Video post that gives an example of how videos can support students’ learning.

In the future as a professional I want to be seen as a teacher who embraces new tools and technologies and uses them to scaffold my students’ learning. I know there is so much potential in these tools to create a learning environment where students are engaged and motivated to learn. I have come a long way in my personal learning journey with technology and I intend to continue this journey as a lifelong learner and hopefully my students will grasp the same attitude.


Cheek, B. (2006, December). Multiple Intelligencies. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from GP-Training:

Downes, S. (2004, October). Educational Blog. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from EDUCause:

Fadel, C., & Lemke, C. (2008). Multimodal Learning Through Media: What the Research Says. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from cisco:

Fasso, W. (2010, July 7). Active Learning, Learning Diversity and the Theory. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from Moodle: Managing E-learning:

Fasso, W. (2010, July 7). Weekly Blog Reflections - Instructions. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from Moodle: Managing E-learning:

Fleming, J. (2001). EDED11449 Principles of University Learning Study Guidy. (P. Warnock, L. Reynolds, & B. Bird, Eds.) Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia: Central Queensland University.

Prensky, M. (2005, September). Engage me or Enrage me What today's learners Demand. Retrieved August 25, 2010, from EDUCause:

Schuck, S., & Kearney, M. (2003-2004). Students in the Director's Seat: Teaching and Learning across the School Curriculum with Student-generated Video. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from Educational Development:

(2010, August 18). Reflective Synopsis of Technologies Investigated. Retrieved August 25 2010, from Digital Immigrants Diary:

Digital Video & Youtube

In the past 5 years Youtube has grown to become the second biggest search engine on the planet. If there is something that you need to know how to do, it will probably be on Youtube. Below is a Youtube video that explains just how incredibly fast our world is changing and how far we have come.

Shift Happens

Youtube is not only for music and entertainment (which there is a lot of) but it can also be educational. It is a great way to engage students in learning. If you have students that have trouble sitting and listening to you teach then try showing a Youtube video. Marc Prensky presents an interesting statement by saying that 'even if you are the most engaging old-style teacher in the world, you are not going to capture most of our students’ attention the old way'(prensky, p. 64). Therefore the solution is to 'find how to present our curricula in ways that engage our students— not just to create new “lesson plans,” not even just to put the curriculum online. (Prensky, p. 64)

In this day and age we as teachers need to be continuously developing our skills in technology to keep up with new tools. By doing this we can create a learning environment for students where they are engaging in technology that that are apart of their everyday lives.

Not only are videos great for viewing, gathering information and providing entertainment they can also be a great tool for presenting assignments. Here is an example that I put together. It is a stop motion animation about making friends. It is a bit abstract and I probably wouldn't show it to lower primary students.

Check out Windows Movie Maker.

Prensky, M. (2005, September). Engage me or Enrage me What today's learners Demand. Retrieved August 25, 2010, from EDUCause:


Whatever you may think, images are not just for show. There is a deeper meaning behind why certain images are place in particular positions. Images create emotion, they bring out people views and knowledge of the world. Take this image for example.

A teacher could show this image to their class and ask them:
-what do you see
- what emotions do you feel
- what message do you think the photographer is trying to portray.
Students can also publish and copyright photographs they capture on a website called flickr. It is a great way to share images with others. If students want to edit their photos they can go to which is an easy website where they can edit and create images that have the likeness of a photoshopped image.

Powerpoint & Prezi

Powerpoints can make or break a presentation. We have all sat and watched a presentation where we wished we were never born and others that have been engaging. What is the difference. Here is a video that gives points on what not to do for a powerpoint presentation.

Life after Death by Powerpoint

Please also have a look at Powerpoint in the Classroom.

There is an alternative to using powerpoint. If you are looking for something that is both engaging and easy to create then try using Prezi. Prezis are created on one, you could say, 'piece of canvas'. I have posted a prezi in an eariler posting that looks at The Big Six Framework. Here is a short tutorial on how to create your own Prezi. It is also a good example of the process students can use to plan Prezis. Showing this tutorial to students would be benifical. I do realise that there are variations in editions but the tutorial gives you a general idea of the concept.

Prezi Editing

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A website is different to a wiki and a blog because it is YOU who decides the content and structure alone, and nobody else is able to edit, or add to it (Fasso, 2010). A great site that is easy to use is Weebly. There are a variety of templates so you can create your own look.

With a few lessons students will be able to create their own website which they can use to present projects. A great idea for assignment is to give the class a client from the community (pretend or real) who needs a website for their company. Students then use their combined research skills and ICT skills to create a well presented assignment. The students will feel that they are contributing to the comunity and not feel like they are completing an assignment task.

For younger students the teacher could set up a class website and each week the class collaborates on what they have done or achieved that week. The teacher then puts on the website the brainstormed ideas from the class. Students can also have a chance to share with the class new websites, games, pictures or tools that they find on the internet that relate to the topic they are learning about. The class website is available for all parents and classes to see. The class will feel a sense of ownership of their workand pride in what they do.

As teachers we must be careful that when using technology such as webites that they are 'not the platforms for teaching but the tools to enhance the learning process' (Reflective Synopsis of Technologies Investigated, 2010).

Here is the link to my Weebly I named Food Glorious Food.

Fasso, W. (2010, May 30). Practical Activity: Week 2 - Wiki and Website. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from CQUniversity Australia Managing E-Learning:

(2010, August 18). Reflective Synopsis of Technologies Investigated. Retrieved August 25 2010, from Digital Immigrants Diary:


I was going to provide a link to a wiki that my group used for an assignment earlier on in the term but it wasn't there when I looked later. The wiki was a great tool to collaborate all our ideas without having to email each other individually. At times it did get a little messy therefore it needed reorganising. It helped us share resources we found during the week so when we met together we already had the information. From experience users need to make sure that each entry that do they label it with their name other wise it can get confusing.

So alternatively i have given a link to the Mackay E learning group to give an example of what a wiki looks like.

My friend Sarah is now going to explain what a wiki is and the difference between a blog and a wiki.

The Big Six Activities

You must have a look at the Big Six website. It goes through the framework step by step and gives a number of examples of ways teachers can incorporate the Big Six into the classroom.

Here are a few activities that can be implemented to incorporate the Big Six Framework.

1. Tak Description
- Create a flow chart that identifies the process that needs to take place in order to deal with the problem of global warming.
- Outline steps of the task and identify whether any information need to be collected.
- Compare the steps taken to do homework with the Big Six Skills Framework.

2. Information seeking Strategies
- Brainstorm what sources should be used to find out about Bees.
- Decide whether to use wikipedia or a book from the library as a reference.
- List where to find information about dolphins. (where in the library, internet, magazines.)

3. Location and Access
- Draw and label a map of the library.
- Write down pages of a book that are relevant to the topic.
- Borrow out books from the library about levers and pulls.
- Lokk up a news article about poitics on a news website.

4. Use of Information
- Engage in different types of sources.
- Watch a youtube clip about the effects of global warming and take notes.
- Take notes on magazine articles.
5. Synthesis
- Students make an outline of their report.
- Create an engaging Prezi to present findings.
- Organsing information from multiple sources. e.g. Sort sources into categorise (global warming effect on farms, solutions, games, etc.).
6. Evaluation
- Look over the criteria.
- Why did I get that grade?
- What would I do differently next time?

Also check the Nuts and Bolt of the Big Six.

The Big 6 Framework - Summary

The prezi that I created called The Big Six Framework was created to provide a summary of the Big 6 Framework.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Knowing your Learner - Concept Map

Blogs and Me

Firstly I would like to say that I have had no experience with blogs, none what so ever. So for me to be doing this is a whole new kettle of fish. I would have to say that I am a little nervous in starting this new adventure because I just don’t know where it may lead me. I suppose that is the exciting part, doing something new, like a blog, and having a whole new world opened up to explore and discover and not knowing where it will end.

From what I have read and heard, blogs create a new meaning of community, a virtual community where individuals can share their own opinions and ideas and connect with other like minded people. Blogs create endless possibilities for anyone, anywhere and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in their own way.


By going to Google Blogger it is a quick and easy way to start your own blog. If I can do it so can you. You may be asking yourself ‘why would I would to start my own blog’. Well, because it is a great way to express yourself, to share with others your interests and passion with others. To get your thoughts out because you have something important to share with the world that needs to be heard. That’s my reason why everyone should have a blog.

The main use for a blog is for the writer to journal their thoughts ideas and passions through text, video, art, pictures, audio and the readers or views can comment on each entry. The diagram below gives a general overview of how a blog works.

(Wittner, What are Blogs and How Does it Work?, 2006)

What I have learnt about ‘blogs’ also none as ‘weblog’ is that they are a Web 2.0 not a Web 1.0. A Web 1.0 is a website that we can only read or view. The content does not change for different viewers, nor can they add content themselves (Fasso, 2010). The only person that can change the content is the webmaster. Web 2.0 is owned by the people for the people. It is none as the ‘read-write’ web. Viewers can edit, download, upload and publish therefore creating user-generated content.

When it comes to using blogs in a classroom situation there are endless possibilities. Teachers need to be reminded that with new tools come risks and responsibilities. When using blogs in the classroom teachers must consistently keep an eye on student activity and on the content that is being added to their blogs. There are many positive for using blogs in class. They can be used to build a number of different areas in the students’ learning.
For example:
- for knowledge construction
- for reflective learning
- to enhance writing skills
- group work
(Wittner, Blogs as Teaching/Learning Space, 2006)

Some reasons why blogs should be used in classrooms were suggested on the Blogger site. They include:
For Teacher:
- Posting resources, lessons, and homework.
- Keeping parents up-to-date on class happenings.
- Reflecting on their own teaching practices and share their ideas with other educators.

For Students:
- Sharing schoolwork with their peers, parents, and others.
- Collaborating on projects and get feedback from others.
- Keeping a reflective journal throughout the school year.
(Blogger in the classroom, 2010)

Blogger in the classroom. (2010). Retrieved August 20, 2010, from Blogger:
Fasso, W. (2010, May 30). Practical Activity: Week 1 - Blogs and Concept Maps. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from CQUniversity Australia Managing E-Learning:
Wittner, R. (2006, August). Blogs as Teaching/Learning Space. Retrieved August 15, 2010, from Weblogs:
Wittner, R. (2006, August). What are Blogs and How Does it Work? Retrieved August 15, 2010, from Weblog: